
(HnF) Optimized VRC Udon Beer Pong Table

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    ¥ 1,000

Ever wanted to play beer pong with udon, but it was always so janky? Well try out HnF Beer Pong! Using the power of the new VRChat Network update the ball updates smoothly, and ensures little drag on your network! Want to try it first? Try it in either of these worlds: Hnf Arcade: https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_a6c85639-6e19-4366-8f69-72b4ae657aaa Mega Hub & Avatars: https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_16daa129-10c7-4722-a763-4e1bd29307e8 To install this prefab you will need to first install the Creator Companion and set up a Udon Sharp world Get the Creator Companion Here: https://vrchat.com/home/download ===Installing=== Once you have Udon and Udonsharp installed, drag the HnF_BeerPong prefab into the scene, place it where ever you want, and that's it! ===Notes=== -If you want to edit the ball bounciness, simply edit the pingPongBall and Wood physics materials in the HnFScripts/PhysicsMaterial folder

Ever wanted to play beer pong with udon, but it was always so janky? Well try out HnF Beer Pong! Using the power of the new VRChat Network update the ball updates smoothly, and ensures little drag on your network! Want to try it first? Try it in either of these worlds: Hnf Arcade: https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_a6c85639-6e19-4366-8f69-72b4ae657aaa Mega Hub & Avatars: https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_16daa129-10c7-4722-a763-4e1bd29307e8 To install this prefab you will need to first install the Creator Companion and set up a Udon Sharp world Get the Creator Companion Here: https://vrchat.com/home/download ===Installing=== Once you have Udon and Udonsharp installed, drag the HnF_BeerPong prefab into the scene, place it where ever you want, and that's it! ===Notes=== -If you want to edit the ball bounciness, simply edit the pingPongBall and Wood physics materials in the HnFScripts/PhysicsMaterial folder


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